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Dear Stamp Collecting Friend:

Thank you for expressing an interest in our service! Simply stated, we offer you foreign and US new stamp issues on a standing order basis. All material is in mint, first quality, post-office-fresh condition. Our prices are normally well below the market and are established at 20% over cost plus the postage and insurance cost needed to get the material to you. There are no "handling charges".

There is no minimum number of countries or topics to which you must subscribe. Nor are you required to purchase material for any special time period. There are no deposit requirements. All we ask is that you tell us exactly what you want, using the secure on-line application (or download and mail the application), and that you pay promptly (within 10 days) for what you get. Naturally, your satisfaction is fully guaranteed or return the material and owe nothing. What could be more fair?

On receipt of your application (receipt will be acknowledged) we will begin at once to acquire the material you have ordered. If needed, we sometimes have back new issues available. To keep postage costs to a minimum, and in the absence of any other instructions, we normally ship when a minimum of $50 worth of material has been accumulated for you.

Stamp collecting is a fascinating and profitable hobby. Purchasing new stamp issues is, unquestionably, the most pratical method of building a valuable collection since
you are assured of getting every stamp from your areas of interest and because it is unlikely the stamps will ever cost any less then when they are new. Get in on the fun, profit, and educational opportunity. Fill out and return the enclosed application today. Let us be of service to you now!

P.S. Please e-mail (or call) if you have any questions. Also, if you are a member of The American Philatelic Society, please include your member number on the secure application and automatically qualify for a very pleasant surprise.
Davidson's Stamp Service